Window replacement contractor in Temecula
How to hire a replacement window contractor in Temecula, CA?
The seven questions every homeowner should ask.
Before you hire someone to replace your windows in Temecula, CA make sure that they're qualified to do so by asking these seven essential questions. It's also important for you to inform the contractor in a kind way that you will ask for verification of their answers.
- The first question you should ask is how long you've been in business in Temecula, CA, under this business name. Failure rate is extremely high in the home improvement industry for businesses under the eight-year mark. So forego all of the service problems, among other things that come with these younger businesses. It's common in the home improvement industry to exaggerate the number of years in business by stating their total years in the industry be aware of this. Try to avoid anyone with less than ten years of business history operating it under this DBA doing business as. This will help ensure a level of consistency and services provided on your project.
- How many projects does your company do per year in Temecula, CA, similar to mine? In our experience, practice makes perfect, so try to find a company that installs at least 50 projects per year. That's just one per week. And then, ask for a list of references in Temecula, CA, with names and contact information so that you can call them yourself and find out how the project went.
- Do your windows that you are offering meet or exceed the energy star rating requirements? If the answer to this question is not an immediate yes, move on to another contractor. Be aware of companies that are selling low-quality windows.
- Do you use tempered glass in all of the required areas? This is where many contractors will cut corners to save costs, which could result in serious injury for one of your family members or guests.
- What type of insurance do you carry? All service providers should have a minimum of 1 million dollars in liability insurance coverage to protect the client.
- Do you add your clients as an additional insured? This is where everyone gets it wrong. If you're not listed as the additional insurer on the contractor's insurance, with proof and documentation, your personal assets will be at risk, should anything serious occur, while the project is being executed at your home.
- What's your warranty policy experience? Professional contractors must be able to state how long the warranty period is and, more importantly, their policy for handling warranties. They should show you a written company policy for how they handle those warranty calls. This will give you a quick inside look at how you will be treated should anything occur.
Contact Windowfits for all your window and door replacement needs in Temecula, CA.
951-677-2593 | windowfits@gmail.com
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